
3D-Coat - February Newsletter (¿µ¹®) 1207
µðÁî 2015. 02. 23 (09:24)

New 3D-Coat 4.5 Beta builds:

4.5 BETA 10-12

• Tapering angle in Undercuts/bas-relief
• Panorama manager included into navi panel
• Fill tool parameters extended in gradient mode. Numerical input, xyz aligning, swapping, flipping - bit.ly/1J7eDKN
• Important!! AntiBump smoothing method done (see smoothing dropdown list). It allows to achieve ideally smooth surface even if some high - frequency details drawn.
• Super imprtant change for painters:

•  Fixed incorrect brush rotation with symmetry
•  Lists formatting fixed
•  Seamlessness of ppp painting improved, interpolation of pixels from other side is more acurate
•  If panorama was used at least once, it will be cached, next switch to the same panorama will be very quick
•  Isolate/ghosting by hotkey acts on volume under cursor or - on current if empty space picked 
•  Correct hotkeys showing in VoxTree RMB menu 
•  UI optimized a bit, fps if scene grown 
•  Improved hints for Object-ify (Decompose)
•  Improved alphas creation from pictures, inserted extended hint to describe how picture will be transformed to alpha

For further Build notes and details please visit:  3d-coat.com/forum/index.php

New Official 3D-Coat Twitter: https://twitter.com/3DCoatOfficial

New Tutorials on the Official 3D Coat Youtube Channel!

PBR Preview Options

This video demonstrates the PBR material preview options in 3D Coat


Adding Texture Resolution

This video demonstrates 2 methods for adding additional texture resolution once you've already started the texture painting process


Applying a Decal or Image

This video demonstrates 3 methods and toolsets for applying a decal/logo or any image to your model, and the advantages of each.


Layer Adjustments Pt.1

This video demonstrates the usage of Layer Adjustments, similar to what one may be accustomed to using in Photoshop, in order to make tonal adjustments to their layers


Pilgway team

Web version


3D-Coat - February Newsletter (¿µ¹®)  
2015/02/23 1207