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 현재위치 : Digital Imaging > LinkCAD Basic Single User

이전상품 다음상품

LinkCAD Basic Single User
공급방식      ESD
상품코드 003000000029
판매가격 \1,694,000
제조사 Gehriger_Engineering



Convert mask or PCB layouts between DXF, Gerber RS-274X, GDSII, CIF, PDF, PostScript, SVG, PNG and many other formats.


Thousands of VLSI, MEMS and PCB engineers rely on LinkCAD to convert, view and transform their designs, all with a single program !


LinkCAD is the most robust and powerful CAD translator available and supports a wide range of file formats. It features a very intuitive user interface, which guides you through each step of the conversion process.


Convert between any of the supported file formats.


Display the loaded drawings in the built-in CAD viewer, measure distances and highlight broken polylines.

Edit and Repair

Merge overlapping polygons, join adjacent wires, auto-detect holes, correct common design problems, fix self-intersecting polygons and more.



Convert multiple files in batch mode or

integrate LinkCAD in your workflow using the command line.

System requirement

Compatible with Windows 10 and 11.

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